The Hauts-de-France region accelerates photovoltaic development.

The Hauts-de-France region accelerates photovoltaic development The Hauts-de-France region is focusing on individual and collective self-consumption, with a target of 878 MW of photovoltaic capacity by 2026. The Hauts-de-France region finances the development of photovoltaics. The regional council is not dwelling on prejudices about the weather in Hauts-de-France. For over 10 years now, the regional […]

AX-SYSTEM competition winner i-Nov


AX SYSTEM competition winner i-Nov The Prime Minister has just announced that we are the winner of the I-Nov competition run by ADEME and financed by BPI France as part of the Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir (PIA) for our development in photovoltaics! The aim of this innovation competition is to support and co-finance innovative projects carried […]